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Open Electrical Wiki
Open Electrical provides aggregated information on Electricity and its safe application to people everyday life.
Electricity is unarguably one of the most important basic technology that humanity needs in the world today. Every modern device, from personal gadgets, computers, cars to kitchen appliances, is dependent on electricity. Life, for most people, would be almost unimaginable without electricity.
Electricity in fact carved a wide path through modern life that imparting the knowledge of electricity to everyone has developed into several different specialties. Typically, one learns electricity for computers, electricity for electronics, electricity for power wiring, or some other subcategory. And while this is somewhat understandable, it has often eliminated a real and basic coverage of electricity.
We all use electricity every day and most of us just take it for granted that it is safe to use, however, luck runs out and bad things happens. The purpose of this wiki is to educate users about electricity on how to use it safely.